I believe we all have 2 lives.
One, that we spend earning the money that we need in life, to have enough.
Two, that we live once we have lived the first.
Money is important.
It buys you peace of mind.
It buys you health.
It buys safety.
But, at the same time, do not run after it endlessly.
Know how much is enough.
Around 28, I came up with that number. And have worked towards that.
Today I have it.
So, I do not need to run after it anymore.
Find that number for yourself.
And do not feel any shame, chasing that number.
And once you have it, live your second life.
Where you do not chase anything.
Except your inner voice.
PS: This video may help – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13nhoS_XYfg