Do these 3 things.

1) Take up difficult things. 

You can earn decently and have your pleasures even when you don’t do difficult things.
But an easy life does not always become a fulfilling life.

Go beyond your comfort zone.
You’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of achieving.

2) Live by your own definition of success and failure. 

So that when you succeed, it is on your own terms. 

When you fail, you know where to close the gap towards getting successful.

3) Don’t care about what others think of you. 

The burden of others’ opinions is not for you to carry. 

Carrying your own life is in itself an act of courage.
Carrying other’s opinions is in itself an act of cowardice. 

Knowing the difference is a superpower.

We often think we have to be cut from a different cloth in order to become the top 1% of the world.

When in reality, just by defining our path and moving towards it consistently, wins us 99% of the battle.