I want to quit a “successful” career because I’m not happy doing it.
We’re not going to raise funding because it is not in the best interest of our customers.
We’ll give no-questions asked refund, and will comply with it 100% of the time.

These are difficult choices. The choices on the other side seem easy. They have the vote of the majority.

However, when we do what we think is right, we stand tall and upright even in the middle of a storm. When we create a cult standing true to our core values, we create a bigger cult that short-term gains never provide. When we listen to our heart instead of external chatter, we bring in love for our work instead of superficiality. 

Living by our values instead of just putting them up in the company’s intro is what differentiates the great from the good.

The world will, by default, question our difficult choices. However, when we make choices that seem authentic to us, we stop questioning ourselves daily. And that’s priceless.